We have a new quiz designed to help you find your perfect planner. Do you like taking easy quizzes? 



I (Jennifer) tend to be an indecisive individual, and I like to weigh my options. I have made pros/cons lists for so many things in my life. And a quiz basically does the same thing.

Make Better Quality Decisions with a Spreadsheet - see there's proof!


Speaking of weighing my options, I have a funny memory of when I chose my first dog. I made a spreadsheet of five different dogs and looked to see where each was on temperament, health, grooming and hypo-allergenic. I ended up getting a toy poodle and didn't regret it one bit. (If I could have only found that spreadsheet, ha).


Sophie, on the left, was my first dog and she was such a doll that we got another toy poodle, Niko (on the right) six years later. 


The spreadsheet sounds silly for small things but I truly liked all of the breeds and wanted the right fit for me. After all, she was going to be my companion for 14+ years.



At Jenn & Co....we have noticed people struggling to find the perfect planner. We started bringing in several styles because we all gravitate toward a different style. And we wanted you to be able to find your perfect planner.  


The quiz will evolve over time...

  • It will live on the website
  • As planners sell out, they will no longer be on the quiz
  • As we get new styles, they will be added to the quiz
  • So that keeps it fresh and fun for you to try again


Plus did I mention it's quick and simple?! My favorite kind of quiz.


So, the big question today is....Wanna TAKE THE QUIZ?  Click that option or the picture below.




Wonder which is your style??? 

The Day Designer






Weekly Deskpads



So here's to helping you find your perfect planner to tackle your to-do list.

Have a great week. XO - Jennifer and the Jenn & Co. Team

August 10, 2020 — Jennifer Senn

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